Tue Jun 16 02:07:24 1981
Apollo: Digest format If we must have this
haphazard, non-digest format, could you folks PLEASE put the word "Apollo" or
the phrase "Personal Workstations" in your subject fields. Those of us with
the facilities can then use subject fields for weeding messages of immediate
from those which can wait. Thanx,
-- Larry -- |
You can configure most email applications to automatically filter incoming
email based on selected keywords in the message and take various useful actions.
On most applications you can find this function under a menu item named "Filters",
and on Microsoft Outlook under "Inbox assistant".
One of the most
common use of filters is automatic transfer of incoming email
so they won't clutter up your Inbox and are filed away where you
can browse them at your leisure. For
example, you might collect all messages from family members into a special folder, filter
mailing lists into individual mailboxes for convenient reading, or set
up your own set of rules to create an application level spam
blocker. Different applications
have different ranges of available actions, but most of them can perform
certain powerful basic functions such as an automatic
or forward.
You configure a filter by setting two attributes:
- Criteria.
Set the matching keywords the filter uses to identify the email to be filtered.
most common filtering criteria are based on the "To", "From",
and "Subject" fields. Some typical filter criteria are listed below:
contains "stamps-mailing-list"
From equals "jsmith@twenty.net"
- Action. Set what the program should do with each email meeting
the filter criteria, such as move the email into a specific folder, auto-reply
with a specified message, delete the email,
or take some other action.