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Email > Key features >
Email Is Almost Free
Effective January
27, 2006, Western Union will discontinue all Telegram and Commercial
Messaging services. We regret any inconvenience this may cause you,
and we thank you for your loyal patronage.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact a customer service representative.
- Western
Email text takes up very little storage space or network bandwidth
and so is very inexpensive.
Email is by far the most inexpensive form of communication
across global distances. You can send email to anyone in the world, no matter
how far away, at no extra
cost to you. Use of regular paper mail, telephone, or telegram (while they
existed) to communicate the same information would take much longer,
and be much
more expensive.
Based on a very conservative (inflated) cost of $10 a gigabyte
for Internet bandwidth, the table below shows that it would take 50 thousand
emails to cost
$1 in bandwidth
That is why the many choices for email-only accounts are so inexpensive. In
comparison, web surfing uses many times more bandwidth.