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Saving EmailYou can easily manage your email volume if you set up a separate mailbox for each person you correspond with. Most messages take up very little space, but a deleted message can never be retrieved. Therefore, you should save almost all messages, unless they are very, very large and of no interest. Your email program should automatically save all outgoing email in your Out mailbox. Don't bother trying to manage your sent mail -- you can always sort the Out mailbox by the "To" field to organize it into sections ordered by the name of the people you sent to. You can also sort the Out box by "Date" and scan the messages sent by hour, day, and week. Never take mail out of the Out box and file it somewhere else unless you have a very good reason for doing so -- it compromises these search capabilities, and is far too much work. The basic technique to saving email is to create separate mailboxes for each type:
Once you have read each incoming email, store it in the mailbox named for the person that sent it. This technique makes your email management very easy. A common mistake is to create mailboxes for projects, since it is difficult to create the right set of project folders, or remember exactly what project an email was associated with if it was from someone that works on more than one project. But you can almost always remember who sent an email, which is why makes the recommended method works so well.