Internet > Mailing Lists > Listserv > Advanced Use >

Advanced Listserv - Show

The show version command is the same as the release command, and will return the version of the Listserv software running at the site:

show version

LISTSERV(R) High Performance for Windows NT version 1.8c, managed by:

Master nodes file version:   1998-06-04 09:56:03 (VERS9806)
NJE peers file version:      1998-05-26 21:08:06
Internet peers file version: 1998-06-19 03:53:43
Service file version:        1998-05-15 21:54:48 (VERS9805)
Alias file version:          1997-10-07 01:14:34
Running under:               Windows NT 3.51

The show stats command will display statistics for the server:

show stats

LISTSERV@LISTSERV.NODAK.EDU  is a  backbone server  running version  1.8c of
LISTSERV(R) High Performance for Windows NT under Windows NT 3.51. There are
12 held jobs waiting  to be released. The average CPU  time used by LISTSERV
is 3.0%. Since LISTSERV was last rebooted (on 19 Jun 1998 at 17:40, ie 19h15
ago), the following requests have been processed:

- Interactive messages from users     174
- Postings to distribution lists      312 (156311 recipients)
- DISTRIBUTE jobs (internal)          750
- DISTRIBUTE jobs (from network)     2404
- Other incoming files              11166

- Database searches (interactive)      54
- Database searches (batch mode)        2

The show distribute command will return statistics on the list server's message distribution since the last reboot:

show distribute

DISTRIBUTE statistics for LISTSERV@LISTSERV.NODAK.EDU - last reboot on 19
Jun 1998 at 17:40, ie 19h15 ago.

   Incoming               Since       Average
job statistics          last reboot   per hour
--------------          -----------   --------
Internally generated        750         38.9
From network               2405        125.0
Mail distributions         2676        139.1
Non-mail distributions      479         24.9

   Outgoing               Since       Average
job statistics          last reboot   per hour
--------------          -----------   --------
To local mailer:
- BSMTP files              2221        115.4
-       rcpt count       130913       6806.5
-       rcpt average         58.9
- Non-BSMTP files           554         28.8
- rcpt count                554         28.8

Files to local  users       475         24.6
Files to remote users      None          -  
Jobs  to other servers     3967        206.2

The show hardware command will return the type of hardware the server is running on

show hardware

CPU model: 300MHz Pentium (224M

The show license command will return the type of license the list server is running:

show license

License type:    Permanent
Expiration date: None - perpetual license
Capacity:        Unlimited
Number of users: Unlimited
Product options: HPO
Version:         1.8d
Serial number:   NDSU-3
Build date:      2 Feb 1998

Summary of resource utilization
 CPU time:        0.000 sec
 Overhead CPU:    0.000 sec
 CPU model:         300MHz Pentium (224M)
 Job origin: 

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