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Usenet Answer Newsgroups

The Answer newsgroups include the word "answer" in their name, provide information on a wide range of topics, and are some of the most useful newsgroups on the Usenet. You can find answer newsgroups by using your news reader to search for groups containing the word "answer".

There is a special answer group for each of the main Usenet hierarchies, as described below:

  • comp.answers - provides information and FAQ's on various computer related subjects, such as operating systems, languages, and applications.
  • news.answers - provides a consolidated listing of almost all of the FAQ's posted to other newsgroups on the Usenet.
  • rec.answers - provides information and FAQ's on various recreational subjects, such as music, aviation, cooking, sports, etc.
  • sci.answers - provides information and FAQ's on science subjects, including astronomy, biology, and physics.
  • soc.answers - provides information and FAQ's on various social subjects, including genealogy, history, and religion.
  • talk.answers - provides information and FAQ's on controversial subjects.
  • misc.answers - provides information and FAQ's on various miscellaneous subjects.

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