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Internet Security

The cryptographic features have not yet been reviewed by those well-versed in the secrecy business and responsible for determining the acceptability of the proposed generalized secrecy arrangements. The analyses made on secrecy have been limited to information found in the open literature (plus a little common sense).

Paul Baran, On Distributed Communications, Volume XI, 1964.

Each of the Internet application chapters has a section on security issues, and the section on Internet hackers provides information about hacking related people, sites, and resources. This section describes Internet security issues related to the underlying network itself.

Internet security analysis is broken down into a consideration of threats and corresponding defenses. For most threats there is a defence. The short course advises you to ensure you always use a firewall, virus protection, and to use encryption when necessary. The following sections provide more information.

Resources. The following references provide additional information on Internet security:

  • RFC 3871; G. Jones, Ed.; Operational Security Requirements for Large Internet Service Provider (ISP) IP Network Infrastructure; September 2004.

Living Internet content is (c) Copyright William Stewart